Our Eyes Will Adjust is an immersive experiential live and digital performance.  Including dance, film, new technologies, live streaming, and a set design that transforms into an installation.
 ​​​​​​​Giselle writes, “Perhaps embodied seeing, the felt presence of our interconnections, gives us one way to transcends the linearity of time - to freely dance the pas de deux in the in-betweenness of the isness of fear and the isness of love - in fear of the uncertainty, in love with the possibilities. Transformation and evolution are not the narrow straight path I once imagined.  It is a call to witness the mysteries beyond the veils of our waking consciousness, not necessarily about past or future, but a mutual existence and co-composition of human based time. It is through the imaginings of other possibilities in which we can begin to see differently; to experience light, the visibly hidden, the formless, the movement of energy, and of time in the timeless. It is in the visibly hidden in which the interwoven matrixes of our interconnected multiverse dance beyond typical sense-ability.  It is here we are fully present with our own being, unveiled, surrendered, and whole. To harmonize the self and the Intimate self is to breathe in deep redemption from the tainted conditions of the world.  The sense-ability to see the unseeable is to touch the heart of the visibly hidden.” ​​​​​​​
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